“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”
“선택에 희망을 담아내어라, 두려움이 아니라.””
6 Benefits of a Small School
The 21st century has new situations and new problems… We, therefore, need a new approach to education!
Today, big, traditional schools are losing students and failing them rapidly – for many reasons. Parents are now realizing that large schools are less dependable... unable to prepare students for college and ignore their individual needs.
Here are just a few of the problems students and families in South Korea typically experience:
Large schools often cannot support students fully… so struggling students are easily overlooked.
Parents spend way too much money on school tuition, private lessons, SAT/TOEFL academies, and outside college counselors… and students still end up with bad grades/results.
Students barely learn anything at school, rely on useless memorizations, and have worrisome grades.
Students feel forced to study at academies (hagwons/학원), stressing out and wasting precious time.
Big schools cannot easily personalize the curriculum because they are bureaucratic and function much like a warehouse. So, students have no opportunities to truly learn… or improve specific areas of their education.
We know how difficult and confusing it is to choose the right school for your child. It’s an important decision.
So, below are the 6 benefits of attending a small-scale, private education.
1) Trustworthy Community
For students to learn best, feel more confident, and dare to dream big… they need a trustworthy community of teachers and students. A positive learning environment is essential for character development and academic success.
At The Collegiate Academy, even the shyest student transforms into a brave and expressive individual! Why? Our community of teachers and students allows each person to feel safe. We are honest with one another. Everyone has a voice. We encourage mixing up ideas. We keep the mood positive and productive.
Our greatest joy is to see students blossom… becoming more of who they really are.
2) Customized Education
With fewer students and greater visibility, teachers can spend more time personalizing materials for students. We can work more closely with students and help evaluate their individual strengths and weaknesses… and support them accordingly.
Students come from different backgrounds and, therefore, have different areas that need development. A big school with too many students simply cannot care for students in the same way as a small private school.
At TCA, a unique part of our customized service, is providing top-tier college consulting to our students – for free! There’s no need for our students to risk finding overpriced and overhyped counselors from outside. From building a college list, choosing majors, reviewing essays, organizing portfolios… the college counselors at TCA have you covered. (Check out our college process and acceptances!)
Again, this level of detail and depth can only be found at a small school.
3) Academic Achievement
According to the US Department of Education, small private schools have higher academic standards. Students are taking more advanced courses in math, English, and science… perfectly at or higher than graduation requirements.
This is certainly true at The Collegiate Academy. We perform weekly checkups on our students, ensuring that they are challenging themselves… going beyond the core curriculum. As a result, our students perform better on standardized tests and graduate at a higher level.
All of this is thanks to our teachers. They are highly qualified, highly disciplined, and highly motivated individuals… We believe this rubs off on our TCA students too!
4) Full Attention From Teachers
Smaller class sizes means teachers can observe students’ performance more closely. With so much time and attention spent in an intimate learning setting, teachers know precisely how to help every student. We believe that each student is unique and needs to be supported – academically, emotionally, and socially – in an individualized manner.
Furthermore, every student has a chance to be heard and share their ideas. No student is left behind. We believe that every child needs to be heard and seen and appreciated. We’re all in this together.
5) Parent Involvement
A truly successful 21st century education needs the involvement of parents. Basic education starts at home. When teachers, students, and parents are on the same page… student development is unlimited. When we have honest and caring communication with each family unit, it’s the best of all worlds.
At TCA we like to keep parents involved with weekly/monthly updates about all things related to their child. Furthermore, we also offer yearly seminars to the parents of our college-bound students. We understand how stressful the college process is – not only for students but for parents too. So, we try our best to inform and involve parents… every step of the way.
6) Consistent Education
Another great benefit of a small school is learning consistency.
Large schools have faced a lot of learning loss during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are just too many students, staff, and classes to manage effectively... with too many online or hybrid classes. It's very hard to ensure proper teaching and learning with so many changes. As a consequence... your child is more likely to suffer from weaker comprehension and grades under these conditions.
A small school beats this issue.
Through deliberately reduced class sizes and a permanent, long-term group of teachers at The Collegiate Academy... we can better maintain a stable school environment. We can provide more in-person classes.
Compared to students in public schools or big, traditional schools... students who attend a small school like TCA enjoy more learning and more academic progress - leading the competition!
Your child must have a full and dependable education possible -- no matter what. Rain or shine... pandemic or no pandemic... We have no idea what disasters will arise in the world or how long they will last.
But through any problems we will experience in this modern age... flexible, customizable, excellent small-scale schools are the answer.
These are a few reasons why students and parents choose The Collegiate Academy. We are specifically designed to address the current educational problems faced in South Korea. The world is changing as we speak… and faster than we can imagine. To ensure the security and success of our new generation of students in the 21st century, education must be practical and forward-thinking.
If you want a more intimate, higher quality education… feel free to give us a call for more information. We’re always happy to help customize a plan for you and help you achieve your learning goals.